Follow Your Heart Diva

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Every word that flows from your lips seems to have poison in it directed straight at my heart.
Each phrase winds it way through the corridors of my mind to break me,
make me fall,
push down again,
hold me down.
I don't know how someone who can love so much can be so cruel to the one he really loves,
or as I sit alone with my thoughts,
I guess that should be,
Who he Claims to love.
I know I've given you a great deal of the pain you feel inside.
I accept responsibility for that pain and I want to take it away.
Why won't you let me?
Why do your words go to the heart of me and break me?
Why must you still drag those you care about the most into your hell?
We know what it's like,
We remember when your eyes went black,
We feel your tears.
I know all of these things better than most.
Love isn't hurting someone just to watch them bleed more than you.
Love isn't holding resentment for the past.
Love is NOT an Ultimatum.
Love isn't something that Happens.
Love IS Something that you do.

You don't know how to Love me because you only believe in happenings.
I wanted to show you love, how to make it something you do.
But you'll never let me.

So keep your hand on the door, and at this point why not turn the knob?
You'll be fine inside the prison of your cold heart.
I'll be here, with my tears and 2 lifetimes of "what ifs."