Had It with YOU!
I have had it with hearing you say "I love you" On the phone.
I have had it with guys telling me I'm pretty, I'm beautiful, or anything along those lines.
I'm sick of people looking at me and seeing what they WANT to see and NEVER seeing WHO I AM!!
I wish I could still believe in the lies that all any two people need is love to be happy. But far too often, and from personal experience, I know damn well that's a lie. You need more, you need that spark.
I don't want to hear about how great I could be.... I know I could be better, I get that, but I want to have the freedom to become that person on my own. I don't want you pushing me towards it.
I want to feel what southern sunshine feels like on my skin again. I want to breathe in the salty air of the ocean. I want to wake up in the arms of that "forever love."
Most of all I want the real smile back......
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