Follow Your Heart Diva

Monday, November 14, 2005

So Pissed At Myself

Okay I really, really, really cannot stand a friend's girlfriend. I've never met her, but she seems like such a heartless, conceited, fake, wannabe Bitch!!!!! And I hate myself for not liking her based on what he's told me. Based on what our mutual friends have told me. It seems like she uses him as a crutch, or as tool she can manipulate to get what she wants. Furthermore, I think she sees him as someone that's "safe." A boy who will bow to her every want, need, and desire, and who will use him and break his heart if it will help her get what she wants. THIS IS NOT A RELATIONSHIP BUDDY!!!!! She is EEVIL (double the E to accentuate how eevile she really is).
I need to stop the rant about her, that's only proving my next point. I am pissed because I don't like this girl and I never even met her. I'm going by impressions I get from other people. Stories they have told me, and the few times I've attempted to talk to her. I just, maybe it's that we're both attention whores. Or maybe it's because I can really live the life she dreams of and the life she wants. I hate the fact that in hearing stories about her I'm just like, "she's a wannabe rich country club snob, who was raised lower middle class." I don't have a problem with that, I really don't. What I have a problem with is her treating me like I'm worthless, and like her boyfriend and our mutual friends are worthless, because we were raised to be country club snobs and rejected that life. She can't seem to grasp that just because we were raised that way, doesn't mean we want that life. She also can't get over the fact that she's ordinary, she's a lemming, she's not all that special. I only hope she realizes this before an amazing city destroys her, which I know it will. Or that she realizes that not following trends and in loving all and not caring how people perceive you, will make you special. No one likes the girl who is the same as all the other girls in the room. They like the girl who is special, who stands out, who isn't afraid to be herself no matter how dorky or geeky that is. The girl who is unafraid is always the most beautiful.
I guess that, I wish I could tell her how I see her and how I'm hoping my impressions of her are wrong. And how I hope she finds herself without the help of MTV, E!, Vogue, Cosmo, Bravo, etc, before she breaks two hearts; Hers and His.


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