Another Way To Express
Wow for those of you that know me this is yet another blog site for me since I can't seem to keep my thoughts and wanderings to myself. I find that having people, whether they be friend, foe, lover, hater, random person, etc, people have a way of helping you figure out which directions to take by offering their experiences, the experiences of their close ones, and just random advice they pick up along the way.
One of my main reasons for creating this new blog is a way for me to stop having so many random people message me for stupid reasons. Not that sites like myspace and xanga aren't cool, and I have gotten back in touch with some awesome people, and met new awesome people, but the random guy who starts off a conversation with "hey wanna make out?" gets pretty damn annoying. Hopefully this will be a lesson to many of you to NOT ask questions of that nature. Or if you do at least be joking.
As a first blog I feel there should be a mini-introduction. I'm at a crossroads in my life that I'm attempting to not turn into limbo and complacency. I work at a job that teaches me the basics of being a politico, mainly it has taught me legislating is Boring, Campaigning is fun. I have also learned I want to get more education, exactly what I'm still trying to figure out. I love my friends and tell them this often. Friends are the true measure of a person's worth. Coffee and Coca-Cola are how I make it through the day. I like caffiene (sp?). My pet is an neurotic cat named Snoogans, or Hoover depending on who you ask. My goal is to retire to a nice place with a beach. Preferably somewhere in Hawaii, but the Southeastern U.S. has a special place in my heart. I'm a nerd, I love the History Channel and Discovery Channel, National Geographic, etc. I hate reality shows. I love live music. I'm into rock and the alt-country scene. I want to be remembered. Other than that, well, keep reading and you'll find out.
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